Calcium Magnesium Plus Vitamin K2
60 tablets
- Dimacal does not cause the formation of gas when subjected to stomach acid
- Vitamin K2 put calcium where it is needed (into bones, not arteries)
- Magnesium enhanced absorption and metabolism of calcium
- Calcium supplements are standard for treating and preventing osteoporosis
- Studies found calcium can help prevent or control high blood pressure
- maintain heart rhythm and muscle function
Sources from:
Over the course of the last year, two clinical studies on the absorption of calcium have demonstrated that Albion’s patented calcium ingredient, DiCalcium Malate has superior bioavailibility to other popular forms of calcium. The dosage of calcium was different in each of the studies. In one study, the calcium absorption comparison was made at a high dose, 900 mg, while in the other study the dosage was a more moderate 300 mg (these were elemental levels of calcium per dose). 1
A studies found Chelated calcium is better tolerated than non-bound calcium salts as they do not cause the milk-alkali syndrome which can cause stomach upset and kidney problems. Also, the ligands the minerals are chelated to is important as the chelated compound will remain chelated throughout the gut and into the bloodstream. Mineral salts from non-true chelates break apart far sooner, usually in the stomach, leaving the body with the extra compound to deal with. Ionic minerals interfere with the absorption of other minerals including phosphorus and iron whereas chelated minerals do not. Also, vitamin D is added which helps to resorb calcium that otherwise would be excreted. 2
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Essentially, magnesium is vital for helping to keep your heart and muscles working at their best, your blood pressure in check, and your bones strong, as well as regulating your body’s temperature.
“And it’s instrumental in producing and maintaining energy levels, too,” naturopath and nutritionist Jess Blair says.
Magnesium also plays a crucial role in the active transportation of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes.
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Vitamin K2 is the term for a group of compounds called ‘menaquinones,’ which can be found mainly in dairy products. All K vitamins are similar in structure, but differ in the length of the “side chain”. The longer the side chain, the better effect and efficiency.
Vitamin K2 is a type of Vitamin K. The main function of Vitamin K is to activate the calcium-binding properties of proteins. Vitamin K1 is mostly involved in blood clotting, while Vitamin K2 helps regulate where calcium ends up in the body.
Vitamin K2 is important for the body to utilize calcium to build healthy, strong bones and to inhibit calcium deposits in the arteries.
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Product Details
Each Tablet Contains :
DiCalcium Malate 886.29mg (Providing Calcium 257 mg)
Magnesium Citrate 140.14mg (Providing Magnesium 17mg)
Vitamin K2 25.7mcg
Indication :
As health supplement
Dosage :
(Adult) 2 tablets each time, 2 times daily after food
Store Condition :
Store Below 30 degree Celcius . Protect from light and moisture.
Keep out of reach of children.
MAL 17126042 N
Jakim Ref No. : Jakim/(S)/(22.00)/492/2/ 1 145-11/2018